Your app needs this connection. Please edit your app to add it back.

HK SharePoint Admin
2 min readNov 28, 2023

When try to open a Power Apps with SQL server connection. I got below warning:

This warning indicate that this Power Apps require SQL server access but you do not have permission for the required SQL server.

So when you press “Disallow” you will see below error:

The error is very straight forward. The only problem is I am the owner of the App and the owner of SQL server and database! However, Microsoft do not give you a way to grant myself access.

To fix above error, you need to open the App in Power App studios. The same error will prompt to you, ignore the error to enter the editing interface. Open the “Data” panel at left. You will see your SQL connections like below:

Now, simply delete all the SQL connections and re-add them. Save and publish. Problem solved!

However, if your App is wrapped with a managed solution, you’re doomed. Because managed solution is read-only, there is NO WAY to delete SQL connection and rebuild. You have to export a new unmanaged solution or give up using SQL server.

I read a lot of article talk about Managed Solution is “Microsoft Best Practice”. Unfortunately, it is not ready for practical use. If you’re software house that provide business solution to your customers, you should not use Managed Solution. You may consider build your own source vault to keep every solution versions and backup regularly. Just keep away from Managed Solution. It will save you from unnecessary operation time and disaster.

