Send embedded image in email using Power Automate
The key points to send an email with embedded image are:
- Attach the image file(s) as attachment to the email
- In the email body add html code:
<img border="0" alt="myImageName" src="cid:myImage.png">
Here is how to embed images in an email using Power Automate:
- The image files I used are stored in SharePoint library. Use “Get file content using path” action.
- The target file can be converted to hex string. You can get the value by @{body(‘Get_file_content_using_path’)}
- If you have multiple images, create an array variable and append in below format:

4. Create an array variable and insert the HTML content as below sample. Filename should be the exact name of image file. Notice you need to add “cid:” in front of filename.

5. In the Send an email action, insert the array variable in the “Attachments” section. Add the HTML content in the email body.